Another international success of DIGI.BA has just been announced through a European Commission grant – Creative Europe, for the SHELeadersVR project, coordinated from Sarajevo, to present historical figures of women who ruled the Western Balkans.
– This is also an opportunity to present the Bosnian Middle Ages and Queen Jelena in the digital heritage network, in the form of a Virtual Reality application. We will present historically important female rulers from the countries of the Western Balkans, with a virtual reconstruction of castles and buildings in which they lived. Through interactive digital storytelling, users of the application will have the opportunity to get to know the past of the Western Balkans – said Prof. dr. Selma Rizvić, President of the Association DIGI.BA.
The Augmented Reality app will take visitors to places where castles once stood, and today are their remains. On mobile devices, users will see the reconstructed look of these sites in the past and find out how people used to live there.
The partners in the project are the Sarajevo School of Science and Technology, VR production NoHo from Ireland, the Archaeological Institute in Belgrade and the National Museum of Montenegro. The technical part of the DIGI.BA team comes from the Sarajevo Graphics Group laboratory at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Sarajevo. This project will bring together an interdisciplinary team of experts from computer science, visual arts, history and archeology and demonstrate the European dimension of creating and circulating artistic content as encouraging the development, experimentation, dissemination and application of new and innovative practices.
Creative Europe grant for DIGI.BA