Today, museums partly present their role through virtual reality. The Museum of Sarajevo has transposed an important cultural and anthropological exhibition about the civil culture of Sarajevo, the intangible and material heritage of ancestors, and the families and personalities who shaped the values of civil and city culture, into a VR exhibition that brings attractive stories about the genesis of families and the transgenerational path of objects that are part of family culture of 24 Sarajevo families. My author’s exhibition and the telling of stories from oral tradition, as well as the recording of artifacts and panels in VR, were designed, created and programmed by professionals from the Digitization and Informatization of Cultural Heritage Association “” to whom we owe a debt of gratitude because they put B&H cultural heritage on the map of digitization and modernization, which most effectively joins us with museums and countries that do not lag behind new technological and museologically important trends.
I personally thank the leader of this agile expert team, my friend, prof. Ph.D. Selmi Rizvić, with whose effort, dedication and enthusiasm, in addition to this exhibition, the museum of old crafts, the interactive model of Baščaršija, as well as many traditional objects and particularly significant artefacts from our museum collections, were digitized.
VR of the “Civic Culture of Sarajevo” exhibition is available on the Museum’s website, as are the other listed projections. Museum visitors will be able to view all of the digitized and virtualized exhibitions and objects in one of the museum’s annexes, where anyone interested will be able to view and go through this and other exhibitions in 3D format using modern VR equipment.
You can view the exhibition at
Association for Digitalization and Informatization of Cultural Heritage “