Exhibition in Europe House

At the invitation of the communication center of the Delegation of the European Commission in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Europe House, we organized an exhibition of six VR applications on their premises in Sarajevo. The exhibition was opened by the Head of EC Delegation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ambassador Johann Sattler. Under the title “Travel to the Past in Virtual Reality”, the Virtual Jump from the Old Bridge in Mostar, the Virtual Museum of Old Crafts, the Battle of the Neretva VR, the Battle of Kozari VR, the Trebinje Fortress VR and a simulation of a visit to the underwater cultural heritage of BiH Wrecks4All were shown.


In addition to numerous citizens of Sarajevo and primary and secondary school students, the exhibition was also visited by the Italian ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina, H. E. Marzo Di Ruzza, who enjoyed a virtual jump from the Old Bridge. Support for users in virtual reality research was provided by 12 volunteers, two assistants from ETF Sarajevo and the hardworking technical team of Europe House. See the exhibition catalog and more pictures.