4D travel through Sarajevo past

4D virtual presentation of White Bastion fortress – project completed


On 21st May 2016 in Bosniak institute in Sarajevo was held the promotion of the White bastion project. At the promotion, Adnan Muftarevic, archaeologist, Selma Rizvic, project coordinator, Fatmir Alispahic,  screenplay writer and Irfan Prazina, web programmer, were talking about the project.

4D Virtual presentation of White Bastion aims to present the historical development of this cultural heritage object through digital stories combined with interactive 3D models of the Bastion in various time periods. These models contain digitized findings from the site and their 3D reconstructions.



Digital stories are told by an eternal soldier of Sarajevo, the prisoner of time, who meets spies, travelers, armies and rulers. They are broadcasted in form of a documentary at BHT1 program and embedded into multimedia presentation which enables the users to virtually walk through the fortress versions from medieval, Ottoman and Austrian Hungarian periods. As in a computer game, they can explore virtual models of the fortress, examine objects found at the archaeological site and watch more stories about its important parts, characters and events from its past.

This project is a part of Case study “Visualization of White Bastion fortress based on 3D Spatial Documentation of Material Cultural Heritage And Interactive Digital Storytelling» implemented by Sarajevo Graphics Group, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Sarajevo within the COST-Action TD 1201: Colour and Space in Cultural Heritage (COSCH)
