Prof. Herbert Maschner, President and Chief Scientist of Global Digital Heritage (GDH), visited Sarajevo in November 2019, together with Victor Menchero, GDH Scientific Director. After preparatory visit in March and first digitization campaign in June 2019, the GDH team presented the first 3D models of Bosnian cultural heritage. Soon after the curators from Museum of Sarajevo and National Museum of BH input the metadata, the collections will be online on GDH Sketchfab platform.
GDH donated a valuable set of equipment and software for photogrammetry to DIGI.BA association and their members in Sarajevo Graphics Group (SGG), so that local museums can digitize more objects according to their needs. This equipment will significantly enhance the scientific research capacity of Sarajevo Graphics Group and enable the computer science and archaeology students to learn the state-of-the-art technologies in cultural heritage digitization.
We organized a demo of our work to the guests and introduced them with DIGI.BA and SGG projects in last 10 years.
GDH team visited the National Museum of BH and organized training on donated equipment for the Museum, DIGI.BA and SGG staff. Prof. Menchero had a lecture at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Sarajevo about the projects GDH is implementing all around the world. Computer science and archaeology students were impressed and asked a lot of questions.
Prof. Edin Bujak from Faculty of Archeology organized a visit to Jajce, where his students showed the various heritage sites and museums all along the way. New ideas for future digitization were born and discussed.
Apart from work, we were glad to introduce our guests with Bosnian culture, gastronomy, music and coffee. The next digitization phase is planned for June 2020.
BH media were, as always, following our activities. Klix portal and BH Radio 1 published stories about the visit. I promised to inform the media as soon as the collections are accessible online.